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ISBN: 333786769
THE FIRST NEW EDITION IN 21 YEARS! The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics is established as the leading reference work in the field. The second edition retains many individual classic essays of enduring importance from its predecessor and includes one thousand new or heavily revised articles. Written by over 1,500 eminent contributors, the Dictionary will contain 1,900 articles and 5.7million words. Published in eight print volumes and for the first time in online format bringing substantial benefits to users, the second edition will be the definitive scholarly reference work for a new generation of economists. The Online Edition is a dynamic resource that will continually expand as it is updated on a quarterly basis, ensuring the most current content for years to come. It includes the full text of the print edition; allows remote access to members of subscribing institutions; excellent search and browse; hyperlinked cross-references within articles; and carefully selected and maintained links to related sites, sources of further information and bibliographical citations. Contact our sales representative for pricing for your institution: [email protected] on the website to view article listings and learn more about the Dictionary at
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