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ISBN: 1440556717
A step-by-step guide to a positive outlook and a happier life!Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular method of therapeutic treatment that involves examining both your thoughts and your actions. Proven to be an effective treatment for anxiety, depression, and eating and mood disorders, CBT helps you change dysfunctional emotions and thinking into positive, mindful, and compassionate behavior--toward yourself and others. The Everything Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an informed but sensitive beginner's guide to this process, offering guidance on:How CBT works as a treatment program.Transforming negative thoughts into positive actions.CBT and anxiety, depression, and mood disorders.Using CBT to advance professionally.Setting positive, attainable goals.Developing a solid and helpful feedback system. If you've been looking for a way to change your behavior or improve a negative mindset, this book is ideal for you. The Everything Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the first step in embracing a mindful, healthy outlook on life.
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