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ISBN: 1626250219
Do you struggle with anger? Is it hurting your relationships and holding you back from living the life you want? This book offers powerful, proven-effective dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) skills to help you understand and manage anger before it gets the better of you.Anger is a natural human emotion, and everyone feels it at some point in their lives. But if you suffer from chronic anger, it can throw your life out of balance and wreak havoc on relationships with family, friends, romantic partners, and work colleagues. So, how can you get your anger under control before it causes real consequences?Written by two world-renowned researchers in the field of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Anger offers evidence-based skills designed to help you understand, accept, and regulate chronic anger and other intense emotions. DBT is a powerful and proven-effective treatment for regulating intense emotions such as anger. With its dialectical focus on acceptance and change, its roots in basic behavioral and emotion science, and its practical, easy-to-use skills, DBT provides a unique and effective approach for understanding and managing anger.If you're ready to move past your anger once and for all—and start living a better life—this book will show you how.
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