Stop Breathe Believe Resenha crítica

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Stop Breathe Believe - resenha crítica

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11 usuários pediram este microbook

Disponível para: Leitura online, leitura nos nossos aplicativos móveis para iPhone/Android e envio em PDF/EPUB/MOBI para o Amazon Kindle.

ISBN: 990629708

Sobre o microbook

We all long to live wholeheartedly-with authenticity and joy, and in a way that honors our true selves and brings our gifts into being. But often, our own negative thinking can get in the way. Stop Breathe Believe(r) is a simple yet powerful practice that can help us stop the stream of thoughts flowing through our minds and become aware of the one unhealthy thought that needs replacing, breathe our way to a state of calm openness, and move forward with the help of a compassionate belief statement that brings release from the unhealthy thought that's hindering us. Whether as a life raft that gets you through a crisis moment, or a long-range tool that supports you in changing entire patterns of unhealthy thinking, Stop Breathe Believe can help you become healthier in your thinking, more intentional in your thoughts and behaviors, more aware of your feelings, and thus more mindful of the beauty of the present moment. You don't have to live at the mercy of negative thinking. You can begin saying yes to healthy, life-affirming thoughts and no to destructive, self-defeating thoughts this very day. One thought at a time, you can become the wholehearted, joyful person you're meant to be.

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