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Novo ano, Novo você, Novos objetivos. 🥂🍾 Comece 2024 com 70% de desconto no 12min Premium!
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ISBN: 1563632926
Botanical remedies, used successfully for centuries in the Orient and routinely used as natural alternatives for prescription drugs in Europe, are currently gaining wide popularity in the United States.Now the publishers of the most accurate reference for FDA-approved drug information brings you the complete, authoritative reference on the administration, use, and effectiveness of herbal remedies.The PDR "RM" for Herbal Medicines is the most comprehensive prescribing reference of its kind. It is based upon the work conducted by the German Federal Health Authority's Commission E, the government organization widely recognized as completing the most authoritative evaluation of herbs in the world. Packed with information from experts in the field, the new PDR "RM" for Herbal Medicines details the prescribing information for over 600 botanicals. Plus, more than 500 herbs are accompanied by fullcolor photographs for instant identification.Conveniently organized in an A-Z format, each comprehensive entry is fully indexed by scientific and common English names, indications, therapeutic categories, and potential side effects. You'll also find...-- A thorough description of the plant and derived compounds-- Summarized pharmacological effects of each plant-- Documented indications and a concise summary of other uses-- Applicable precautions, warnings, and contraindications-- Adverse reactions and overdose data-- Modes of administration and typical dosage-- An exhaustive bibliography
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