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Novo ano, Novo você, Novos objetivos. 🥂🍾 Comece 2024 com 70% de desconto no 12min Premium!
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ISBN: 787901377
This important book offers a revolutionary approach to solving a range of social problems--drug use, smoking, unsafe sex, and overpopulation--by applying marketing techniques and concepts to change behavior. For example, it shows that at-risk teenagers are consumers who decide whether or not to "buy" safe sex practices. This successful approach is based on Alan R. Andreasen's more than twenty years of experience in consulting, teaching, and research with social marketing programs around the world. Andreasen shows that effective social change starts with a thorough understanding of the needs, wants, and perceptions of the target consumer--who has ultimate control over the outcomes. The book offers a detailed explanation of how to design a step-by-step program that will move the customer from ignorance and indifference to action and ultimately maintenance of that action. Marketing Social Change offers a wealth of information for developing an effective social marketing plan.
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