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ISBN: 73375934
Issues in Economics Today is a modern issues book built to meet instructor and student needs simultaneously. This title was developed to allow instructors the maximum flexibility to teach this material in a manner that fits their personal style.This edition includes 8 intensive core theory chapters and 35 shorter issues chapters. The book is designed to allow faculty the flexibility in approach as well. Some instructors like to intertwine theory and issues while others like to lay the theoretical foundation first before heading into the issues. With flexibility in mind, instructors can set a theme for their course and pick issues consistent with that theme while others will let their students decide what issues interest them.The Fifth Edition continues to stay on the cusp of recent events and topics through a conversational writing style that connects with the reader. The housing bubble, the recession of 2007-2009, federal spending, poverty in the United States vs. other developed countries, the environment, and foreign exchange rates are only a few of the events and important topics covered in the Fifth edition.
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