High Intensity Marketing Resenha crítica

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High Intensity Marketing - resenha crítica

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ISBN: 973130822

Sobre o microbook

Markets are changing at a rapid speed. Industry boundaries are blurring. Lifecycles of products are shrinking rapidly. Customers are increasingly demanding. Global over-capability is continuously putting pressure on pricing. How do these phenomena impact upon strategic marketing? This book focuses on these challenges and provides readers with managerially relevant frameworks and strategic perspectives on marketing. This book is not a collection of sleight-of-hand tricks or mumbo-jumbo incantations, it is a comprehensive marketing handbook that help readers to understand and apply advanced techniques of strategic marketing that includes strategic positioning developing and managing brands, selecting pricing strategies, planning the marketing mix and launching innovative products and technologies. It is written with one purpose -- to reinvigorate strategic marketing thinking and drives thinking beyond the current logic of product-centric companies. In this completely revised edition, a new chapter is added on the marketing of luxury products to addresses the coming of the "massification of luxury brands" and the strategic options available for marketers under this scenario. In short, this book is the shortcut to marketing master for those steering towards the fast track. It not only benefits executives across any organization (engineering, finance, product development), it also provides a common marketing language that greatly facilitate marketing strategy development process. Revised to reflect significant developments in last two years since its first publication, High Intensity Marketing is required reading for anyone in business today.

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