Grist for the mill (The Mindfulness series) Resenha crítica

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Grist for the mill (The Mindfulness series) - resenha crítica

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11 usuários pediram este microbook

Disponível para: Leitura online, leitura nos nossos aplicativos móveis para iPhone/Android e envio em PDF/EPUB/MOBI para o Amazon Kindle.

ISBN: 913300179

Sobre o microbook

One review states: - Be a connoisseur of your neuroses. - With bare attention consume your impurities. - Take whatever comes down the pike. - Everything is grist for the mill. - Not "this" or "that" but "whatever". - Keep giving up your story line. - All of life is a meditation cushion. It's all meditation. - You are the fire and fire doesn't burn itself. - Leave behind every model you have had of who you think you are. - You are going to suffer if you cling to anything in form. - Disappear into the void - the Crisp Trip. - Stop romanticizing your story. - Going to G-d is going into that which is beyond form. - We created our separateness for sport. - What we are looking for is who is looking. - In despair we give up all our hope and all our models. - Stay in form but be with G-d. Breathe in the breath of G-d. - Sit there watching the pain and suffering. - The only thing that dies is another set of thoughts of who we were in this lifetime. - Our entire life drama is food for our awakening. - Be like two mirrors facing each other with nothing in between. - The human intellect is very trivial in the greater design of things. - Cut the puppet strings. - Peel yourself like an onion. - Be a lighthouse sending peace and love to all those who are suffering.

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