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ISBN: 199297800
The seventh edition of 'Economics of Monetary Union' provides a concise analysis of the theories and policies relating to monetary union. De Grauwe analyses the costs and benefits associated with having one currency as well as the practical workings and current issues involved with the Euro. In the first part of the book the author considers the implications of joining a monetary union through discussion based on an economic cost-benefit analysis. The second part of the book looks at the reality of monetary unions by analysing Europe's experiences, such as how the European Central Bank was designed to conduct a single monetary policy. The seventh edition has been revised to include more discussion of monetary unions outside Europe and, to reflect this fast-moving area, updated coverage of new member states in transition and an updated discussion of the stability pact. Online Resource Centre An online resource centre, featuring supplements for lecturers including PowerPoint slides and an instructor manual, has been updated for this edition.
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