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ISBN: 9728407890
Beyond the winter of 1987-1988 polemics, Heidegger remains open file in Their philosophical questions. It is to understand how the phenomenological thought, totally oblivious to the concerns of public affairs departure, Could expose yourself and to report Then, political to an extreme danger, Unable to undo the mess Caused by the political affiliation of 1933. That essay An Gere New explanatory hypothesis; It is undeniable That there is a link between militancy and philosophical thought of Heidegger man, but it only reveals its true dimension in the light of further reflection, that exceeds, for either party, the Nazi ideology. Throughout the different stages of the complex evolution, Which made him pass his first apolitismo to 'native policy' And Then the 'a-political' projecting technical globalization Heidegger Implemented an interpretation of Western destination, unified the from the metaphysics of reading of the history of being. This articulation of his thought is here called 'destinal historialismo' Obese and unconditional because of its nature, only the counter Which forces to the active nihilism, the lonely wait of 'God coming', urging the two antithetically emblematic figures of our modernity; Nietzsche and Hölderlin. The 'error' of Heidegger lies in radically history and character destinal of his thought. The limits of this dark side, inseparable from the glossy pages of the work, will free the Possibility forbidden to Heidegger own (or did he ban); Their understand why self-criticism and Their Interpretation blocked why this work, the the 'Purloined Letter' Poe When it offers only hides the thought. If there is, after all, the waiting Heideggerian rock, it underestimates and simultaneously exceeds the policy. Your contribution fragile - point to an issue que Relates closely to the West. Matter of civilization, not policy. The fundamental book to understand Heidegger and the relationships established or not with Nazism.
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